Arthritis, Inflammation,

 Most diseases have an etiology involving inflammation such in the case of joint pain and arthritis. These conditions be made worse or better depending on your approach and the way you go about it. This is a question often ask: Can arthritis really be prevented and even cured? The honest answer is a big yes; arthritis is curable without drugs or surgery. All of this of course depends on you, how much effort you are willing to put into it and changes you are willing to make.

I have written many articles about different health issues over time. What inspired me into writing about it was being successful in overcoming any health problem the natural way without medication or drugs. I'm using this opportunity by letting other people know that many health problems are curable the alternative way. There is no quick fix available; it needs time, determination and consistency. In my case arthritis was one of them, which affected my neck and hands. Just as an example, I found it difficult to hold a pen between my thumb and index finger applying enough pressure to write on paper. I have no longer any symptoms or pain and got my full strength back. Yes, I have reversed arthritis, no longer suffering any pain or discomfort.

The conventional medical industry wants you to believe otherwise. Just imagine millions actually cured and prevented arthritis cases without drugs or surgery, billions of dollars would be lost from their immense profit. However, it is fact and has been extensively proven that arthritis can indeed be cured, and not only arthritis. Using natural health strategies will help you to overcome and to prevent other health issues achieving optimal health.

The Basic Issues: Diet, Exercise, Supplementation

The usual Western diet is high in fast food and high processed food. It is unhealthy and promotes an imbalance between the omega 3 fats and the omega 6 fats. This imbalance is the cause of inflammation in the body. Omega 6 fats are inflammatory. They metabolize in the body into hormone like compounds provoking inflammation. Such foods with high content of omega 6 fats are safflower, corn, soybean oils, and peanuts, to mention some. Too many saturated fats and especially trans fats are also highly inflammatory. The amount of saturated fats and trans fats should also be reduced in your diet if you suffer from joint pain, arthritis or other related inflammation.


An anti inflammatory diet must include wholesome, healthy, unprocessed foods. Also fats such as omega 3 fatty acids are important in an anti inflammatory diet, which the body is unable to make by itself.

They are found in foods such as walnuts, hempseed, wild salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies. Other anti inflammatory foods are avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, hempseed oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and anti inflammatory vegetables. Vegetables and fruits have a high content of antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation. Anti inflammatory vegetables are important in healing joint pain and arthritis, especially those which are high in inflammation fighting carotenoids, vitamin E and K. Among the best anti inflammatory vegetables are the dark leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, and onions etc.

Spices and herbs also include active compounds that can fight inflammation. Ginger, rosemary, oregano, and green tea have a great quality of polyphenols and bioflavonoid that slows down any production of free radicals. Not to forget this very important one: "Cinnamon" is a strong antioxidant with anti inflammatory compounds that also relieves pain and stiffness in the joints. Add cinnamon to your arthritis diet and use it daily, it has many more other health benefits. As well in an anti inflammatory diet you should consume grass feed beef and organic pasteurized eggs because they have a better profile of anti inflammatory fatty acid content than the grain feed beef and the factory farmed eggs.

Avoid such refined carbs, which are another pro inflammatory ingredient. Sugar, refined flour and foods high on glycemic index aggravate the inflammation in your body and elevate glucose and insulin levels. The immune system of people with arthritis attacks the lining of their joints and causes pain, stiffness, and chronic inflammation.

Some of the best foods!

Among the best foods to fight this medical condition is fish, which is high in omega 3 fatty acids and other polyunsaturated fats that help suppress cytokines present in the body because of the inflammation process. Vegetables contain carotenoids and flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants. Also include fruits that are high in antioxidants such as blackberries, blueberries, oranges, and melons as well. Anti inflammatory vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are a real help in fighting joint pain, arthritis and related inflammation.

Tomato juice is especially rich in lycopene; also cooked tomatoes are even higher again in lycopene. Whole grains such as barley, brown rice, and oatmeal can help lower the level of the C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation in the body. They also have the advantage of being high in selenium, which is an antioxidant inflammation fighting property.


The right natural supplement is one of the greatest benefits when addressing any health issue, arthritis and inflammation is one of them. Although, we eat our vegetables and fruits but not always getting the full benefits from them. The soil is depleted thanks to modern intensive agricultural methods. More and more nutrients are being stripped from the soil in which the food we eat grows, and that causes the nutrient content of each crop to suffer.


No matter what age we are, regular exercise, even initiated late in life, gives us great health benefits. It boosts muscle mass and prevents many chronic diseases. Yes, I know! Who wants to think of doing any exercise while almost every joint in the body is aching. We are not talking here about extreme exercises, just gentle movements like takeing a short walk every day out in fresh air. Or while sitting try to move the effected part often, no matter how little. This will allow the joints to become more flexible and lubricated which means over time movement becomes easier.

For more food options you can also look at my previous articles about arthritis, inflammation and joint pain. Make the right choices of food and, the bigger the variety in your diet, the better.


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